Did you know that you could strengthen your shoulders by using this Shoulder
Routine for only 10 Minutes each day?
The following 19 shoulder exercises will help make your rotator cuff muscles
stronger for whitewater paddling.
The rotator cuff is composed of 4 very small stabilizing muscles.
Use no weights to start, and then
at the most, work gradually up to use lightweights of 5 pounds or
less. Small soup cans work well. Count 1,
2 while raising and 1, 2, 3, 4 lowering.
Do each exercise for 30 seconds
standing with feet shoulder width apart, non stop.
Do not do any exercise that
causes pain.
1. Straight Shrugs pinching shoulders to ears.
2. Lateral Raises with palms down, raise to only 90 degrees.
3. Front Raises with palms down, raise to only 90 degrees.
4. Forward Shrug Rolls, pinch shoulders backwards then roll to the top and
5. Diagonal Raises with thumbs up, raise to only 90 degrees.
6. Backward Shrug Rolls, pinch forward then roll to the top and backwards.
7. Lateral Rotation Raises, start with thumbs down rotating to thumbs up at the
8. Cross Chest Raise with bent elbows alternating arms, touching opposite
9. Internal - External Rotation with elbows tight to sides, alternate arms and
swing arms parallel to floor.
10. Horizontal Standing Flys with palms to the ground.
11. Horizontal Standing Flys with palms down until hands meet then switch to
palms up at center and back to start.
12. Horizontal Standing Flys with palms up until hands meet then switch to palms
down at center and back to start.
13. Side Pull Ups with thumbs in toward the body raise to arm pit and down.
14. Bent Over Rows bringing fist to chest.
15. Side Pull Up & Press, same as #13 add a shoulder press over head.
16. Standing Over Head Lateral Presses with the fist meeting overhead then
between legs.
17. Tricep Presses keeping elbows tight to ears.
18. Bicep Curls keeping elbows tight to sides.
19. Empty Can Raises with thumbs down, arms at 45 degrees, raise only to 90
This shoulder routine is a good way to assess how your shoulder is feeling in
You can really feel your shoulder working during the three Horizontal
Standing Flys.
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